In this episode, Jill shares some of her own thoughts, hopes and fears during this “AI moment” we all seem to be in. Relying on work by philosopher Hilde Lindemann, Jill works through some of the ethical and existential questions that have been occupying her mind as more and more people form relationships with chatbots. This episode is part of the Big Rhetorical Podcast Carnival 2023.
This is the fourth year of The Big Rhetorical Podcast Carnival. The carnival takes place from August 28-31st 2023. The keynote speaker for The Big Rhetorical Podcast Carnival 2023 is Dr. Isabel Pedersen, Professor of Communication Studies at Toronto Ontario Tech University and Founding Director of the Digital Life Institute. The interview with Dr. Pedersen will be posted at TBR on August 31st 2023. For more on The Big Rhetorical Podcast Carnival, follow the hashtags #tbrpodcastcarnival2023 and #aiapplications #aitrajectories on social media. Or, follow this link:
To Listen to the Hi-Phi episode referenced, go here:
To find Hilde Lindemann’s work, go here:
For a transcript of this episode, go here:
If you liked this episode and would like to support the show, please consider buying Jill a coffee. (She doesn’t really like coffee, and will probably use the money for tea or hot chocolate, but still!)
Other podcasts that are part of this year’s Big Rhetorical Podcast Carnival that you might want to check out can be found here:
Pedagogue: pedagoguepodcast.com
Writing Remix Podcast: https://writingremixpodcast.com
Live Theory: Applications for Writing and Rhetoric: https://www.livetheory.org
TC Talk: A Tech Comm Podcast: http://faculty.mnsu.edu/tctalk/